If you are aged between 25 and 65 then please arrange an appointment via Reception.
Cervical Smear Clinic
Contraception Services
This can be discussed on a case by case basis and your GP should be able to offer you advice. We have GPs trained to fit both coils and implants for contraceptive purposes.
Hearing Aid Batteries & Repair
Hearing aid batteries can be obtained from the receptionist during our normal opening hours.
For repairs/aftercare on NHS hearing aids please contact the following:
dhc.audiologyenquiries@nhs.net or call on 0300 303 8640 (choosing option 1) Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4pm.
Long Term Conditions Clinics
Arrange an appointment with the Nurse via Reception for your review.
Musculoskeletal Service
See click here for further details.
NHS Health Checks
Patients aged over 40 and under 75 will be invited to have a Health Check by the practice. You will be invited to attend for one of these every 5 years.
Please arrange an appointment via Reception.
Please arrange an appointment via Reception.
Physiotherapy, Psychology, Counselling, Dermatology and Chiropody
Access to these services is by referral from your GP.
Travel Advice / Immunisation
By appointment with the nurse.
Social Prescribing: Take Control of your Health & Wellbeing
Book via Reception.
Vaccinations & Immunisations
This guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they're safe and important.
For your child, you will normally receive written advice from the Health Authority when routine immunisations are due.
Arrange an appointment via Reception.